Intention & Acceptance

Each baby and mother create a story of origins together.  As much as we might want to, we don’t have total control over how our unique stories unfold.  Our bodies are perfectly created and beautifully wise.  We have a deep “unknown knowing” of how to birth our babies. It is also true that complex cultural factors and changes in how we live in modern times, along with over-medicalization, mean that we must put some intention and conscious effort into creating the birthing experience we desire.  In our experience, there are some things that can help make your birthing experience the special experience you are hoping for.

Today, we invite you to listen to your heart.  Explore your inner knowing.  And share it with us as you are able.  We are here to hold your birth and the potential of your experience with you – it is sacred and transformative.

Please give continued thought to your hopes and vision for the day of your baby’s birth.

Mindset in Labor and Birth

Mindset / Approach to Your Birth

  • During EARLY Labor, rest.  Create an intimate environment.  Make sweet memories.

  • During ACTIVE Labor, stay soft, connected to your baby and team, keep your body relaxed.  Focus on staying loose.

  • During TRANSITION, meditate on your affirmations, depend on your support people support , soften your body, surrender to your process

  • During BIRTH be present, intentional, surrender

  • All of this leads to Claiming your Baby

Releasing Placenta:

  • We need all the oxytocin, embrace quiet peaceful environment

Early Post birth - 3 - 3 - 3

  • Plan to be in bed for 3 days, on the bed for  3 days, and around the house for 3 weeks

Heart Work for birth

  • What are your beliefs about pregnancy, breastfeeding, motherhood

  • Reflect on whether you feel safe & secure. Labor hormones are best made when women feel safe. If you have anxiety around birth, begin doing meditation, affirmations, and mental rehearsals for labor.

  • Relational intimacy – sharing the journey, connecting on intimate heart level. If you want to, and if it feels good and right to you, intimacy leading up to birth can increase your hormones and help bring labor.

  • Faith & Affirmations – This is a great time to connect to your faith. We have created a whole page of birth affirmations. Or, you can purchase cards and put them up on string lights in your birthing space.

Making Memories – Creating Identity

  • Include music from your faith, culture, or history.  Or lyrics that speak to you about baby’s life.

  • How & when do you want to announce you are in labor / baby is born? Prayer chain, GroupMe

  • Touching your baby as they emerge.  Safe place in your embrace, hand in hand for life.

  • Greeting your baby by name – parents voices

Unexpected Outcomes

  • Hospitals are gifts when needed. 

  • Aim for what we want, roll with what we get.

We get the birth we need, not the birth we want.

Margie Wallis

It's normal to feel both excited and anxious as you anticipate the birth of your baby! Frisco Birth Center specializes in guiding expectant families through pregnancy and birth so you feel safe, confident, informed and nurtured from your first prenatal appointment through the first weeks of your baby's life. Birth where you feel most comfortable — your home or our cozy home-like birth center in Old Town Frisco. We offer holistic care, body, mind and heart, blended with the tools of modern midwifery so you and your baby have evidence-based care in a supportive, comforting environment. With the Midwifery Model of Care, you are the center of our focus. Birth can be better.



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