Birth Confidently.

We hope this collection of articles will help you prepare for birth — Body, Mind and Heart.

These articles are general information. They are not intended to specifically diagnose or treat any condition.

Please ask your care provider for specific support.

If there’s a topic you are interested in that is not covered here, please let us know. We’re happy to answer your questions.

Margie Wallis Margie Wallis

Affirmations: Labor mindset

What happens in your thoughts is as important as what happens in your body. Your thoughts affect your ability to breathe for endurance. Your mindset controls whether you can relax and open. Your fears can affect your hormones.

Affirmations can literally help you reframe your experience and increase your stamina.

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Birth Margie Wallis Birth Margie Wallis

Family Education

Prepare for birth Body, Mind and Heart. Enroll today in classes to help you prepare for labor, birth, baby care and breastfeeding.

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Margie Wallis Margie Wallis

Birth Checklists

Your baby will be here before you know it! After you have your sweet baby, you’ll be on “limited activity” - ideally staying at home - for three weeks. YES! THREE WEEKS. Take a moment to think about what you will need for your family, yourself and your baby for three weeks.

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Postpartum, Newborn Care Margie Wallis Postpartum, Newborn Care Margie Wallis

Birth Certificates

In the first couple of days after the birth, while you are tucked into bed learning to care for your newborn and yourself, we’ll be working on paperwork behind the scenes. One of the things we do is prepare your baby’s birth records and send them to Texas Vital Statistics so they can create the legal birth certificate. This link tells you more about what’s involved in that process.

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Breastfeeding, Newborn Care Margie Wallis Breastfeeding, Newborn Care Margie Wallis

Breastfeeding Support: First-Feedings

Breastfeeding support mostly includes classes and consulting. But those two supportive services don’t collaborate or connect. This article introduces a comprehensive breastfeeding support program through @First_Feeds. They join you in pregnancy to teach breastfeeding, then they continue to support you through the rest of pregnancy and into postpartum. Comprehensive care!

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Birth, Supplements Margie Wallis Birth, Supplements Margie Wallis

Sooner Rather Than Later

Some pregnancies seem to last a thousand years. If you're concerned about post-term pregnancy, and want to support your body to try to avoid going past your due date, there are some things that may (or may not :-) ) help.

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Breastfeeding, Newborn Care Margie Wallis Breastfeeding, Newborn Care Margie Wallis

The Art of Pumping

Breastfeeding is a beautiful and natural way to nourish your baby. There are times when feeding your baby at the breast is not practical or possible. Providing expressed breastmilk is an excellent alternative when direct breastfeeding is not an option, such as returning to work outside the home. Many people don’t realize that even though pumping has many benefits, it also can have its own challenges. It is crucial to understand the purpose of pumping and when it may or may not be recommended. In this guide, we will explore the ins and outs of using a breast pump effectively.

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Birth Margie Wallis Birth Margie Wallis

Breech Baby

Heads Up!! Most babies enter the world “head first.” But, some babies come the other way around. If they have their feet, butt, or knees down, they are breech. In many cases, babies can be born breech. This article will help you understand your baby’s position, a few ways to get a baby into an optimal position, and understand what to expect if you decide to have a vaginal birth with your breech baby.

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Health & Wellness Margie Wallis Health & Wellness Margie Wallis

Chiropractic Care

Pregnancy is a normal process - a physiological part of being a woman. But for some reason, instead of recognizing that pain in your body is a sign of a problem that can (generally) be fixed, women just embrace it. Oddly, if they were having the same symptoms outside of pregnancy, they might be more inclined to seek out solutions.

Chiropractic care is one of the best practices you can have throughout your whole pregnancy to be strong, healthy and ready for birth.

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Newborn Care Margie Wallis Newborn Care Margie Wallis

Circumcision: The Whole Truth

The decision of whether to circumcision your son is one of the most complex (and controversial) decisions a parent must make. This article explores the reasons commonly given for circumcision, and discusses the risks and extra consideration that should be given to this decision in this modern era.

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Health & Wellness Margie Wallis Health & Wellness Margie Wallis

Exercise & Fitness

Pregnancy is a great time to evaluate your priorities, and commit to investing in your health so you can have the best possible birth experience. This is the perfect time to start focusing on physical health — exercise and fitness.

Here are some ideas and resources that you may find helpful:

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Pregnancy Challenges Margie Wallis Pregnancy Challenges Margie Wallis


It’s not uncommon for women to be tired in the first few weeks of pregnancy.  Growing a person is hard work!  Most women find it helpful to take a nap and/or go to bed a little earlier than usual.  Sometimes “tiredness” is more severe and turns into  “fatigue.” Women with extreme tiredness or fatigue, feel like their energy level is so low, and their exhaustion so extreme that they are not able to enjoy life.

Frisco Midwifery has created this resource to help you understand what’s going on with your pregnancy, and offer you some evidence-based options to help you manage fatigue.  

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