Midwifery Care

Classic stories begin with “Once upon a time” and end with “happily ever after.” You’ll remember (and share) your birth story for a lifetime.

Frisco Midwifery wants to make sure your birth story is a story you cherish.

Our birth center is distinguished by our attention to your whole experience, body, mind and heart. We are committed to practicing “physiological care” which means we don’t interfere with the natural process. We only intervene if there’s a problem we can solve or additional support that needs to be provided.

  • Care begins as early as you desire. We’ll see you every 4 weeks until you are 28-weeks (the start of your 3rd trimester).

    Then, we’ll see you every 2-weeks until 36-weeks.

    We’ll see you weekly in your last 4-6 weeks until birth.

    Every appointment lasts 45-minutes to an hour. That gives us enough time to explore your health and challenges, and create customized plans to help you prepare for birth.

  • When you are in Active labor, we will join you at your home, or you and your birth team head in to the Birth Center. We’ll be with you until your baby is born and you and baby are ready to take your first nap a few hours after the birth.

    During labor, we’ll help you create a calm, supportive environment with dim lighting, soft music, nourishing food, and the support of your birth team. Our goal is to carefully create and environment where you can create great memories you will cherish for a lifetime.

  • We’ll do the baby’s first newborn exam and weigh the baby when they are just 2-3 hours old. We want all of our new moms to take it easy for a minimum of 3 weeks. So, we’ll do the first 3-weeks of post-birth care in your home, no matter where you birth. We’ll come to your home when the baby 2-3 days old to do a Congenital Heart Defect Screening and Newborn Metabolic Screening in addition to breastfeeding support.

    When the baby is 2-3 weeks old, we’ll return to your home again for a weight check and newborn exam. This is a great time to make sure you and baby are finding your “new normal” as you settle into motherhood.

  • We have created a great team of collaborative providers who are focused on helping you have the best birth possible.

    EDUCATION / CLASSES: We offer childbirth classes for families welcoming their first baby, and refresher courses for people who are expanding their family. We teach a coping skills class, labor rehearsal open house, breastfeeding and baby care too. (See our Resources).

    PELVIC FLOOR PHYSICAL THERAPY: We are fortunate to have Pure Pelvic Pt - Dr. Cara Hartoon - here at the office on Wednesdays. She specializes in helping clients in the prenatal period and post birth manage challenges related to pelvic floor dysfunction, muscle weakness and tension, pain, urinary incontinence, diastases recti, prolapse, and other complications.

    SONOGRAPHY: We have a sonographer who comes to the office to offer early ultrasounds, 20-week anatomy scans, and more advanced diagnostic ultrasounds as needed.

    PEDIATRICIANS: We work closely with some of the best holistic doctors in the metroplex. If you’re choosing midwifery care, you’re probably also looking for alternative care for your newborn. We’ll help you connect!

    DOULAS: We love doulas. We strongly believe that every first time mom, and every client birthing without medication for the first time needs a skilled doula. Doulas do more than just help keep you comfortable in labor. They can help preserve your birth in the community setting.

    LACTATION SUPPORT: We work closely with select lactation coaches and lactation consultants . They will offer you classes and resources to make sure you are ready for nourishing your newborn.

From early pregnancy all the way through birth and into the first six weeks of your baby’s life, our top priority is to help you feel safe, confident, informed and nurtured.

  • Prenatal Care

    45-60 minute long appointments so we have enough time to support you
    - body - mind - and heart

    We see most people 10-14 times across pregnancy. And we are available by phone, message, and text if you need anything during your pregnancy.

  • Labor & Birth

    Birth where you feel the safest and most comfortable. There is no difference (in cost or accessibility) whether you birth in our birth center or your home.

    We join you in Active Labor and remain with you until after you and your baby are fed and ready for bed.

  • Waterbirth

    Most of our clients labor in the tub to manage the challenges of the end of labor. Many choose to birth their baby in the water too. We have great tubs at the birth center. And we have inflatable tubs available if your tub at home isn't comfy.

  • Postpartum Care

    The first weeks as a new mom involve a lot of changes and stress mixed with the joy and the fun. We plan to see you four times in the first 6-weeks after the birth so we can make sure both you and baby are living your best life.

  • Chilbirth Classes

    We offer monthly classes to help build your confidence and help you prepare for birth. Each month we offer Childbirth Classes, Labor Coping Skills, Breastfeeding, and Newborn Care. Register for an upcoming class.

  • New Moms Meet-up

    We don't say "good bye" . . . we say "see you next Monday." Bring your baby back to the birth center for a relaxed mommy meet-up. We'll provide a light breakfast and take our turn holding your baby so you can toast a bagel or make your latte.

Frisco Midwifery clients get more than “basic midwifery care.” We include value-added services at no cost to you. Below is a list of what’s included in your care so you can make an apples to apples comparison and get the best care for you and your family.

We don’t have bougie packages to upsell you. We offer the full care and quality to everyone at our competitive price.

Here is what’s included in your midwifery care:

  • All routine lab work, testing & screening (not including genetic testing or non-routine labs)

  • All prenatal visits (beginning at 8-10 weeks)

  • Nutrition & Lifestyle education and counseling

  • A skilled, licensed midwife attending your labor, birth and postpartum, as well as a birth assistant

  • A Comprehensive Newborn Exam at birth, with the options of administering Vitamin K and Erythromycin

  • Routine well-baby care for the first 6-8 weeks including all standard newborn testing. (Heart defect screen, two part metabolic screens, bilirubin assessment, as needed.)

  • 3-4 Postpartum Visits

  • Contraception Counseling + Well Woman visit at 6-8 weeks postpartum

  • All equipment and supplies are included, you don’t need to bring envelopes of cash for anyone.

    These are also included in your midwifery care
    - for free -

  • Childbirth Education: Ready For Birth and Newborn Care classes

  • A large bag of loose leaf NORA tea with free refills beginning in the 3rd trimester

  • Access to our lending library

  • Open invitation to our Mommy Meetup on Mondays after you have your baby

  • Access to your midwife team by text, email and phone