Varicose Veins (& Hemorrhoids)

During pregnancy, hormonal changes relax all of the connective tissues in your body - that’s how your organs can move aside for your growing baby. At the same time, as pregnancy progresses, the weight of the uterus compresses some big blood vessels making it even more likely that blood will pool in the veins in the lower half of the body.

If this pooling is in the veins of the legs or vulva, they are called varicose veins. If the pooling is in the anus, it’s called hermorrhoids.

Vulvar varicosities generally become more pronounced as pregnancy advances; they may or may to be noticeable until labor, If you have vulvar varicosities, discuss them candidly with your midwife. Occasionally, bleeding or internal pooling of blood from a broken blood vessels can occur, requiring medical care. Your midwife may apply warm compresses to help protect your tissues from trauma.

Hemorrhoids: Some women push out more than just a baby. If blood pools in veins in the anus, it causes hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids may become enlarged at the birth with the mom’s pushing and usually persist for a few days postpartum. If you have hemorrhoids, your best strategy is to utilize gravity-neutral positions in pushing (side lying or hands and knees), and avoid straining to push. We recommend spontaneous expulsive movements. Constiption during pregnancy aggravates hemorrhoids, so pay special attention to staying regular as well.

There are natural remedies that can effectively prevent and reduce varicose veins.

If you experience the following please contact your midwife:

  • Red or hot lumps in the varicose veins

  • tenderness or swelling in your varicose veins,

    Important: Never massage varicose veins. If there is a clot in the vein, it could detach and lead to complications, like embolism.


  • Move or change positions frequently. Do not sit or stand for extended periods of time.

  • Do “chair exercises” with your legs, circling your ankles or stretching your legs if you are sitting for a prolonged period of time.

  • Cat-cow, or vigorous pelvic rocks/tilting for 5-10 minutes daily may move the baby off of the veins in your pelvis and improve the return circulation.

  • Commit to a daily practice of stretching, especially stretching your leg muscles.

  • Walk, swim, or engage in light exercise 2-3 days per week to encourage circulation and strengthen blood vessels.

  • Consider elevating your feet once a day.

  • Support hose or compression stockings may reduce swelling and prevent engorgement as the day progresses.


  • Vari-gone cream by Nature’s Sunshine: Apply topically to support vein wall health and reduce pain. This product can be purchased online.

  • Varigone Capsules by Natures Sunshine containeVitamin C, Rutin, Butchers broom and other vitamins, minerals and herbs which construct the vein walls and aid in reducing pain associated with varicose veins. This product can be ordered online.

  • Variplex by Mountain Meadow Herbs is an herbal tincture blend specifically formulated to support varicose veins. Bilberry constructs varicose veins and supports vein wall health. Bayberry is astringent and anti-bacterial. This product can be ordered online.

  • Nettle leaf infusions (like a strong tea) can be brewed and ingested daily. Nettle is high in vitamins and minerals which are easily absorbed and support the vascular and renal system. 1-2 cups daily is very beneficial.

  • 500 mg Vitamin C with bioflavonoids is highly recommended for varicose veins of any kind.

  • Essential oils can be diluted and applied topically. Lemongrass, helichrysum, frankincense, orange, balsam for, cypress and geranium are especially helpful.

    Vulvar Varicosities:

    In addition to the prevention and treatment strategies for varicose veins mentioned above, you may also want to consider these therapies:

  • Alternate warm and cold packs, or applying cold packs for comfort.

  • V2 Support by Prenatal Cradle is a compression garment that puts mild pressure on the vulvar varicosities to reduce comfort. This can be purchased on Amazon.

  • Pelvic floor exercises and stretches may decrease pressure and pain associated with vaginal varicose veins by increasing circulation.

  • If intercourse is uncomfortable minimize foreplay to reduce engorgement. After intercourse,, apply counterpressureto the vulva for 5-10 minutes, elevate legs, apply cold pack, and then stay laying down for 30-60 minutes.

  • Put helichrysum, frankincense, orange, and balsam for essential oils in a blend, mix with witch hazel, and make “pad sickles” for topical soothing.


Signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids include:

  • Itching and swelling, bumps or pain around the anus

  • painless, bright red bleeding during or after defecation

  • constipaton


In addition to the suggestions and supplements mentioned above, if you have hemorrhoids you may:

  • Consider investing in a squatty potty to reduce straining when using the bathroom. These special stools can be purchased online and at trot for less than $30

  • Avoid constipaton by drinking half your body weight in ounces of water (at lest 8-8 oz glasses of water per day) and regularly eating high fiber foods including fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

  • If constipation continues be a problem, even with these suggestions, consider taking a serving of Natural Calm Magnesium powder in water before bed.

Natural Options

Try filling up your bathtub with 2 or 3 inches of luke warm water, adding 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar, and soaking for 10-15 min. This will clean the swollen area as well as soothe irritation. Next, apply a bit of extra virgin coconut oil directly to the hemorrhoids. Coconut oil has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti fungal properties with can go a long way toward relieving pain and itching.

Finally, soak a cotton pad in a bit of organic witch hazel, freeze, and apply to the hemorrhoids for cooling relief. Genevieve Howland, founder of

Tucks pads can be soaked in witch hazel and applied to the anal area. Witch hazel will constrict the hemorrhoids.

Vitamin E capsules (400 iu or more) can be introduced into the anal canal at night before retiring to help heal the tissues.

Gloria Lemay instructs, “after you’ve gone pee, got yourself a drink and have 1/2 hour of lying on your side nursing the baby, time to get a warm, soapy facecloth and towel and get into bed with baby. Then, with just your finger, gently push the bumpy veins inside your bum and clench your bum cheeks tight to keep them in there for 1/2 hour. Clean your hands with the facecloth and dry them and then lie on your side like that, with babe feeding/cuddling and your clenching tight for 1/2 hour. This allows the veins to be placed where they are supposed to be, reduces the swelling and allows the blood flow to resume properly. You may have to do this more than once but it brings instant relief.”

Resources: The Natural Pregnancy book: Herbs Nutrition and other holistic choices by Aviva Romm, MD pg 277-282

The Mama Natural Week-byWekk Guideto PRegnancy ad Childbirth by Genevieve Howland pg 243,301

Holistic Midwifery Volume 1: Care during Pregnancy, by Anne Frye pg 105-1061

Maternity and Women’s Health Care page583

Heart and Hands by Elizabeth Davis, page 44

The BPrgnancy Book: Month-by-Month, Everything you need to know from America’s Baby Experts by William Sears, MD and Martha Sears, RN pg 182, 221, 378

Hemorrhoid treatment from Gloria LeMay:

Thanks to Bethany Stricker Midwifery Care

Margie Wallis

It's normal to feel both excited and anxious as you anticipate the birth of your baby! Frisco Birth Center specializes in guiding expectant families through pregnancy and birth so you feel safe, confident, informed and nurtured from your first prenatal appointment through the first weeks of your baby's life. Birth where you feel most comfortable — your home or our cozy home-like birth center in Old Town Frisco. We offer holistic care, body, mind and heart, blended with the tools of modern midwifery so you and your baby have evidence-based care in a supportive, comforting environment. With the Midwifery Model of Care, you are the center of our focus. Birth can be better.

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