Spinning Babies: A great labor resource

When we think about labor, it’s easy to envision the work of the laboring woman . . . coping with contractions or surges. We visualize the roles of the rest of the birth team, the partner, her doula, and how her supportive family may participate. But there’s one person that’s really central (literally and figuratively) to birth who may be overlooked: The Baby.

In labor, this sweet little human has to figure out how to get his/her chin to the chest, in line with the midline of their body. Then, they have to make 7 sequential movements. As labor progresses, and the force of contractions moves the baby into the pelvis, they have to flex their head. The contractions continue and the baby has to turn to face the mother’s back. Then, the baby has to extend his/her head and neck when the mother begins pushing. After the head emerges, the baby has to turn again so the shoulders can navigate the bones of the pelvis. And, finally, the baby is pushed out into the world.

That’s a lot of moving parts!

So, it makes sense that when labor is “wonky” — long, uncoordinated, unusually painful or uncomfortable — it might be because the baby isn’t quite in the best position.

Spinning Babies is the original collection of functional, physical movements moms can try to balance their pelvis, bring their baby into an optimal position, and help make labor easier and faster.

How to use their site:

They have content for every phase of pregnancy and labor. It’s a really good resource. Check it out.

The “Spinning Babies Three Principles” are:

Spinning Babies® Three PrinciplesSM  (see their website HERE)


  • Increase comfort

    1. Sleep better

    2. Walk easier

    3. Decrease need for some medical interventions

    4. Eases your baby’s efforts to move down easier with contractions

    5. Decrease pain while letting contractions be more effective

    6. Seems like your pelvis is larger and baby seems smaller

    7. Support a spontaneous start –and finish– to labor

    8. Allows gravity and movement to be more effective


  • Align yourself to maintain the function you enhanced with body balancing

    1. Helps your baby move down easier with contractions

    2. Increase effectiveness of contractions

    3. Allow baby to achieve or maintain an ideal position

    4. Smarter choices in birth positions

    5. Increase comfort


  • Increase comfort

    1. Release tension in muscles

    2. Release stagnated blood and lactic acid in muscles

    3. Move lymph

    4. Increase endorphins when movement is exercise

    5. Shift the space available

    6. Can be part of a technique

Margie Wallis

It's normal to feel both excited and anxious as you anticipate the birth of your baby! Frisco Birth Center specializes in guiding expectant families through pregnancy and birth so you feel safe, confident, informed and nurtured from your first prenatal appointment through the first weeks of your baby's life. Birth where you feel most comfortable — your home or our cozy home-like birth center in Old Town Frisco. We offer holistic care, body, mind and heart, blended with the tools of modern midwifery so you and your baby have evidence-based care in a supportive, comforting environment. With the Midwifery Model of Care, you are the center of our focus. Birth can be better.


Good Night-Sleep Tight

