Safe Feeding & Safe Sleeping

Life with a newborn is uncharted territory! Even if this isn’t your first baby, this baby will be a new person to learn, know, and care for. This page can help you think through some of your choices and parenting strategies.

Let’s Talk Feeding!

Breastfeeding is the most important choice for your baby. There’s SO much evidence that how you feed your baby affects much more than just their weight gain. Breastfeeding is not only the best nutrition, it’s also great for building brain connections for the baby, cross brain stimulation, and finding trust in this new world. Here are some short notes about breastfeeding. You will learn more in a great breastfeeding class. (Register for classes below)

  • Breastfeeding should not hurt. If your baby has a good latch, your nipples should not get more than just “a little tender”. That tenderness should resolve within a week or so. If it doesn’t, please speak up! We can help fix the latch.

  • The first milk is called colostrum. It’s kind of like condensed milk. In the first 3 days of life, it gets the baby all the nutrition they need until they get more coordinated with “suck swallow breathe”.

  • Your mature milk will come in on day 3 or 4 depending on how effectively the baby has been removing colostrum. Your baby will learn a few new strategies for nursing that day too.

  • No Feeding Schedule! Just feed your baby when they are hungry. Every time. That will average out to 10x per day. Hunger looks different than fullness. A hungry baby is wiggly, putting hands in their mouth, maybe sounds like they are a little impatient or grumbling. (If you wait till crying, you have ignored about 30 min of polite asking). A “full baby” looks relaxed. Arms are heavy and palms are open. Feed your baby till they self detach.

  • Milk is made based on “supply and demand”. If you think you are not making enough, feed more often. You should feed your baby at least 10x in 24-hours. But not on a schedule . .. don’t time it. Just feed your baby.

  • Pumping is a mixed bag. Sometimes it causes over-supply. Always ask your midwife before you begin pumping.

    Breastfeeding is the most natural way to feed your baby. But natural is not the same as easy.

    Please budget for BOTH a GOOD breastfeeding class AND at least one appointment with a lactation consultant. Set aside $200-$300 for that support (combined).

Even though we are HUGE supporters of breastfeeding, there are very real and reasonable times when supplementing with donor milk or formula may be helpful and sometimes even necessary. Top priority — healthy baby. Your baby’s growth and nutrition are the top priority. So, if your baby is not gaining weight at the appropriate rate, or if your baby needs more support, please supplement! Your lactation consultant, pediatrician and midwife can hep you make sure your baby is getting what they need so they can thrive and grow!

The Truth About Sleeping

All babies are nocturnal — meaning they are awake at NIGHT. That’s by design. And, it’s beneficial. Why is it important for your baby to wake up at night? It’s all about weight gain. In the first 20 weeks of life, your baby needs to double their birth weight. That’s their top priority.

One of the worst trends in America is letting babies cry themselves to sleep. It’s SO bad for them. Crying is communication. If your child is asking for help, and you don’t respond, their crying will intensify. At some point, the baby will resign to the fact that no one is coming . . . which makes them feel alarmed and vulnerable. When babies stop crying at that point, they aren’t resting easily. They are “pretending to sleep” in the classic “fight - fight - freeze”. Please don’t do that to your little baby.

If you are curious about the negative consequences of the cry it out method, or letting your baby cry themselves to sleep, check out this website about studies done with rats who were nurtured and nuzzled vs. those that were stressed by feeling separated from their parents.

Here’s a sleep class online that may be interesting. Here’s a link for Intuitive Parenting.

Learn about parenting your newborn

It’s a really good idea to take some classes to learn about breastfeeding, bonding, and caring for your baby.

Click HERE to learn about our baby care classes and register today. Ideally, you should finish your birth and baby care classes by 36-weeks.

Margie Wallis

It's normal to feel both excited and anxious as you anticipate the birth of your baby! Frisco Birth Center specializes in guiding expectant families through pregnancy and birth so you feel safe, confident, informed and nurtured from your first prenatal appointment through the first weeks of your baby's life. Birth where you feel most comfortable — your home or our cozy home-like birth center in Old Town Frisco. We offer holistic care, body, mind and heart, blended with the tools of modern midwifery so you and your baby have evidence-based care in a supportive, comforting environment. With the Midwifery Model of Care, you are the center of our focus. Birth can be better.

