Birth Confidently.

We hope this collection of articles will help you prepare for birth — Body, Mind and Heart.

These articles are general information. They are not intended to specifically diagnose or treat any condition.

Please ask your care provider for specific support.

If there’s a topic you are interested in that is not covered here, please let us know. We’re happy to answer your questions.

Margie Wallis Margie Wallis

Birth Checklists

Your baby will be here before you know it! After you have your sweet baby, you’ll be on “limited activity” - ideally staying at home - for three weeks. YES! THREE WEEKS. Take a moment to think about what you will need for your family, yourself and your baby for three weeks.

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Birth, Supplements Margie Wallis Birth, Supplements Margie Wallis

Sooner Rather Than Later

Some pregnancies seem to last a thousand years. If you're concerned about post-term pregnancy, and want to support your body to try to avoid going past your due date, there are some things that may (or may not :-) ) help.

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Birth Margie Wallis Birth Margie Wallis


Laboring in the water can be a great source of comfort for a birthing woman. This article includes information to help you determine if your bathtub will work for water birth, or if you need to purchase an inflatable birth pool. It also explains what equipment you will need to have for your home water birth.

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