Birth Confidently.
We hope this collection of articles will help you prepare for birth — Body, Mind and Heart.
These articles are general information. They are not intended to specifically diagnose or treat any condition.
Please ask your care provider for specific support.
If there’s a topic you are interested in that is not covered here, please let us know. We’re happy to answer your questions.
Tracking Your Nutrition
Your baby and your body are depending on specific nutrients for healthy growth. Learn about the key nutrients that help you build red blood cells and have a healthy pregnancy.
5 Keys for a Better Birth
One of the things as midwives we hear from so many moms is that they hope to have a fast and pain-free birth. While we cannot promise you either of those, what we can do is provide you with suggestions of what you can do to help achieve a better birth.
You birth is Your birth story!
Here’s to beginning the journey toward birth! These next weeks . . . months . . .will be filled with dynamic changes, transformation, exploration, and growth — both figuratively and metaphorically. As we begin this journey together, we want to share our vision for your care. You are the hero of your own (birth) story.
Ideally, nutrition should come from food. However, many people need some supplements to hit all of the targets. This article explains the supplements that may be beneficial at each stage of pregnancy.